

Die Entstehung der Tonflöte

Wir benutzen ausschließlich feine weisse Keramikmasse zum Fertigen unserer Flöten, da diese sich im Laufe der Jahre am besten bewährt hat und besonders fein ausgearbeitet werden kann.

Unsere Empfehlung

reed flutes

A flute from India cut from a piece of reed. According to a traditional tuning, it has only six finger holes and can therefore be played just like the tin-whistle. A good alternative to the tin-whistle with a slightly smokier and warmer sound.
The large flutes with a low pitch are a particularly favourable alternative to the low-whistle.

In addition to the recorders, reed flutes of the same type are also available as traverse flutes.

We offer the following keys for recorders and flutes:
high register in g (21 cm long), f sharp, f, e, d sharp, d (29 cm long), c sharp, c (33 cm long), b and b flat
low register in a, g sharp, G (43 cm), F and E (54 cm).

The low flutes from tuning G upwards take some practice in terms of fingering and are difficult or impossible to play with small hands.

These simple flutes are quite cleanly tuned, but the fundamental tone can deviate by up to a quarter tone.


Tin Whistle etc >>>

Unsere Empfehlung

native indian flute deep tonality

Like the small native inidan flute but in deeper tuning (A, G, Fis or F).

Very warm and soft sound. Like the traditional native indian flute it is tuned pentatonic..

The flute comes with a bag and a tutorial

made from plastic with decoration bird

sound example deep Indianerflöte     

native indian flute >>>

Unsere Empfehlung

Weepipe - medieval smallpipe

The weepipe is made in the same workshop like the Medieval-chanter and is compatible to it. Even it is the quiet Medieval-bagpipe.
Like the noisy Medieval-bagpipes tuned in a-flat.
The pipes are made from black plastic, the bag is leather.
If you just have the Medieval-chanter, and you want to learn now to play the bagpipe, so the bagpipe is available without the chanter.

We also offer the "Sackpfeifenfibel", a practice book for this bagpipe.

bagpipe >>>